Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My First Easter

Cooper had his very first Easter! I cannot believe how big he is getting. Has it really been 3 months already??!!? He has moved onto size 1 diapers now instead of newborn! Coop is starting to really smile when you talk to him. He weighs 12 pounds! Not only did he shit on his Nana but now he has shit on my Mamaw too! Only she didn't have me around to take her picture. What a pooper that cooper is!

Coop received his first Easter baskets from his Mamaw and Papaw and his Nana and Papaw. Am I a horrible mother because I didn't get him a basket? I figured everyone else did and he wouldn't remember anyway! Plus I get him stuff almost everyday. Cooper made his debut in Church as well, only to sleep the entire time.

As a family we went to get our first pictures taken along with his 3 month ones. They turned out great. I will post the link to see them once I receive the email.

We found out over Easter weekend that my mom has to have surgery on her back/neck. She has 2 herniated discs and a spiny growth pushing on her spinal cord causing nerve damage/pressure. So right now, since I have ample time to update the blog, I am stilling in the waiting room of the hospital. Cooper is enjoying a fun filled day with his Auntie Em and mommy is enjoying some time to herself! Cody, the awesome little bro, surprised everyone with a visit! They figured it out before we could really surprise them!

I will send updates and pictures (of course I took some) from Cody's visit and my mom's hospital adventures!