Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Long Time, No Hear...

It has been quite sometime since I have blogged last. I really enjoy this blog but somehow it has managed to creep its way to the bottom of my list of priorities but definitely above cleaning house...haha. Things are definitely going much better since I last blogged. Cooper is now 5 months old! I don't know what is more shocking--Cooper being 5 months or the fact that I have not worked in 5 months! He continues to amaze me everyday. He is smiling all the time, reaching and grabbing everything, and is eating baby food! I've decided to take him to day care one day a week this summer to get all 3 of us (including sitter) used to the idea. Yesterday was his first day. It was totally awesome to sleep in for as long as I wanted! I had a massage that John bought for me some time ago. I really wasn't worried at all about him! He did fantastic and of course so did I!

We have celebrated many events lately. John and I both had our first mother's/father's days, our 2nd anniversary and John's birthday. John and I went to Siesta Key, FL for our anniversary. It was our first trip without the Coopster. We had a great time and didn't stress too much being away from him.

Things to look forward to: more weddings this summer, Beth's bachelorette party that I am planning and am so pumped for, a few concerts, the 4th of July, my weight slowly coming off, and my acne getting amazingly better (with the help of drugs)!