Thursday, February 19, 2009

I love my Uncle Cody!

Cooper had a great 1st Valentine's Day weekend. He finally got to meet his Uncle Cody. My family came up to our house to stay the whole weekend with us. It was quite something to have all of us together! John and I had our first "date" since Cooper was born. We had dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory where I enjoyed my first glass of wine only to be followed by a pomegranate mimosa later that night.
Uncle Cody was hilarious to watch. When asked what he thought of Cooper his only comment was he is so little and soft. He was totally awestruck with him. Cody and I have never been around newborn babies before, so all of it is a new experience for the both of us. For the first few days he would only sit by him and rub his hands. Finally his last day here he fed him and held him. It was so neat to see my brother with my little man. I just wish he lived closer!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Growing Boy

Cooper is doing fantastic! We had our first doctor appointment last Monday. He has greatly improved in all areas! When he was born he weighed 6 lbs 1 oz, when he came home he was 5 lbs 15 1/2 oz, and now he is 6 lbs 10 oz!! He also grew 1/2 inch in length. I cannot wait to see what his measurements will be next week for his one month check up. Can you believe my little man will be a month soon!?! He has not set off his monitor (aka his murse (man purse)) at all for the last week, it is looking good that he might get rid of it soon!

Let's see other updates....he is totally living up to the nickname "Cooper the Pooper". It never fails that he poops every diaper change and Daddy seems to always get the worst ones..haha. He is still sensitive to what he eats. I tried to breastfeed but it did not happen, nothing came in! I was so upset but these things happen and I have moved on. Cooper does not like the powder formula so we are stuck using premixed can formula. For now this is ok but what do I do when I need to go somewhere, take a refrigerator and microwave with me..haha. Hopefully by the point we are ready to leave the house he can do powder.

I am still getting used to being a Mama! It is tough work. I get so worried about his monitor that I am slightly afraid to be alone with him, in case I need a shower or bathroom or anything. So my mom, John's mom, and my grandparents have all stayed with me. Nighttime is scary too. I am almost afraid to go to sleep in case I can't hear what is going on. I am sure this is normal but no sleep is taking its toll on me. Cooper makes so many noises that I am not used to and not sure what they mean. It is getting better.

Winston has been a blessing! Who knew all I had to do was have a baby and he would be the worlds best dog! He lays around all day and protects Cooper and I. He is excellent with him. I couldn't ask for anything better!
This weekend is going to be busy one for all of us. Uncle Cody is coming to visit for the first time!! John and I are going to go out on our first date since Cooper for Valentine's Day! We are very excited!