Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rough Week

It has been a little bit of a rough week for me. It started out great! I had an appointment with my Dermatologist on Monday afternoon. Of course when he walked in he called me "the mystery" since I have everyone stumped over my "condition"! He was overwhelmed by how great my skin is looking and healing! So he has decided to taper me off the steroids. I expressed my concern if it came back but he reassured me that if it does he won't let it get as bad as it was. So I have a month left of the steroid to take. Monday night, I had dinner with my college friends, Beth and Allison, at Creation's Cafe downtown. It was great catching up!

On Tuesday I had a dentist appointment at John's office. It was great to visit his girls! My teeth looked excellent and no cavities! Afterwards we went to a steakhouse where once again I had an 8 oz filet that was fantastic!

Wednesday, I called my OB/GYN to check on my appointment for next week for the Gestational Diabetes test. Since I am on the steroids it will register positive no matter what so we are postponing it. I told the RN that my Blood Pressure has been a little high lately so they wanted me to come in for a checkup. When I went in my BP was 130/90, with protein and blood in my urine. They were a little concerned. She told me it could be from the steroid or not. We discussed possible bed rest soon and that I need to take it easy! Hopefully I will not have to be put on bed rest yet, it is still so early. I go to see my doctor on Monday so I will know a lot more then.

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