Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Labor Experience....

It has now been 9 days since I gave birth to a sweet, perfect little boy, Cooper Jackson McFadden. I am not going to lie, it was HELL every minute I worked to get him here but now that I see him, hold him, smell him I forget all the trouble I went through. It was worth every second! Here is the dreaded story (brace yourself for all of this):

8:00AM Monday 1/19/09: One of the OBs that works with my OB (the one on call for the hospital and the same one who sent me there for high BP on Friday) came in to break my water. They checked and I was dilated to a 4/5. A wonderful nurse that was working with me pumped up the pitosin, since not much was happening since 2 am. A little bit later they checked and I was still the same. Meanwhile, a new nurse took over and brought in pads to cover the sides of my bed and continued to check my reflexes. John & my mom told me a few days ago they did this because I was on the verge of having a seizure due to how high my BP was. Everyone was scared but never let on, I was so clueless about that part.

Now was the time for the Epidural! I had my mom and John, of course, in the delivery room with me. For this part everyone had to be out of the room. Getting the epidural wasn't that bad. The only annoying part was that the doctor would continue to ask me if alcohol pads that he tore open and rubbed on my arms, belly, and legs were cold or not, very repetitive! After all of this I was finally dilated to a 7. The nurse was getting worried because it took quite sometime to get to there. So she had all the paperwork out for a C-section. Now comes the part where all hell breaks loose....

I started to get really hot and felt like I was going to throw up. I suddenly felt EVERYTHING! I told the nurse and she called the doctor to bring in more for the epidural. It was seriously the worst pain I ever felt! I finally had my breaking point. I was crying hysterically and could not breathe due to the severe sinus infection I had when I went in. I told the nurse I was feeling it and she said give the epidural time but it was plenty of time! I snapped at my mom and John. He was in major shock and stood back watching, saying that is not my wife and she is never like that! Thank god for these little blue stress balls that one of my BFFs, Ashley, brought me in the hospital! I squeezed everything I had into that ball! I told the nurse to get the doctor because I was done and didn't want to be in labor anymore. He would come soon but was in a C-section at the moment. Finally 2 hours after all of this and severe contractions he came in only to discover I was right, it wasn't working! My epidural fell out!!! How many people do you know who have their epidural fall out? Of course it would happen to me. I was finally dilated to a 10 and my OB (who made a special request to deliver my baby since she wasn't the one on call that day) was on her way. I had to go through all the process of getting an epidural again. This time I was so exhausted that I just leaned on the nurse and seriously was about to fall asleep or pass out. I needed oxygen a few times through all this. When he was finally done my OB came in and was really concerned because she has never seen me like that before. I finally snapped out of it after the epidural started to work. My doctor gets all set up and I gather myself for the final stage of delivery! The best part was that I only had to push 3 times and he was out! I deserved some ease to my labor! It was amazing!! I survived and had a perfect baby boy! Cooper Jackson Mcfadden...6 lbs 1 oz. 18 1/4 inches long. @ 4:18 pm. and tons of black wild hair!

After delivering I held him for a minute and then he was rushed to the NICU. Since I had to be put on Magnesium before I had to remain on it for 24 hours after delivering. So I wasn't able to see or touch Cooper for 24 hours due to bedrest again. Can you imagine having a baby and doing this?? I also wasn't able to shower for 3 days, I was nasty! I am so thankful I have an amazing husband that took on the mommy role and did everything for Cooper since I wasn't able to!

I didn't leave the hospital until Friday. My BP continues to stay somewhat high. My OB has me on 2 different medications to try to bring it down. I have been trying to rest as much as possible. Cooper is doing very well. He has been in the NICU the entire time since he was born. He wasn't ever hooked up to any tubes but is being monitored because he forgets to breathe sometimes. He does have severe acid reflux but is now controlled by medication and is not spitting up at all. Cooper has went 2 days without a breathing episode so if all goes well he will be coming home tomorrow with a monitor! We are so excited to finally be getting him home!! I go back to my OB for another BP check tomorrow and also have a follow up with my dermatologist. My PUPPS rash has come back somewhat but this can be common for those who do get it. Hopefully I can get off the steroid soon. I finally feel like I am getting somewhat back to normal. Having a baby has already changed John and I both. John has lost over 10 lbs in a week and I have lost almost 28 lbs since they admitted me on the 16th.

I did get to have one shower out of the four that were planned. The Saturday after I was out I had one with mostly my girlfriends. It was great to see many of them that I hadn't in awhile. my BFF, Beth put the shower on and it was great! The best part was the delicious cupcakes she had made! I LOVED them. It was the perfect celebration for the craziest labor experience known to man!

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